Day after day finding job is a very crucial activity.. From WAX FACTORY to LONGWAN to TESCO to CARREFOUR to PLUS to BORR to JPA and maybe a lot of place will be discover just to hand out the Resume of monkey and his mate... hahahaha
why i'm seeking the job?????
why don't i just stay at home play PLAYSTATION 2????
why i just not try to enjoy until October for graduation????
MONEYYYYY... my fren....
money is the most important things that i must gain for...
first focus for gaining money is to save some money for spending at graduation day incoming. A lot of money that mean you can enjoy and go around the ganu without feel any sad for restraint of money...hahahaha
second focus is to save for the future celebration that the most important things for me or maybe for everyone that had things this beyond of everyone. When you have a job that mean you can start to save the money for this ceremony i must have the permanent job that can support my life rope to be together hahahaha
my third focus is to pay back for my moon and star that protect save and form me to became great person. this is the BIGGEST achive of my focus when i got the job insyaallah... hahahaha
so to get a better future we must have a lot of good skill in alert and fast sense the information on JOB>>>>>>JOB>>>>>>JOB........